XIX asr ikkinchi yarmi – XX asr boshlarida Samarqanddagi Afg‘onlar faoliyati (1869-1879 yillarda)

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The migration of Afghan citizens in the middle of the 19th - early 20th centuries, the reasons for its origin, internal and external factors that influenced it, without expressing specific opinions, aspects close to the topic were mentioned or carried out for other purposes. in increased studies, small objects are considered as secondary issues.

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How to Cite
Salimov Behruz Zafar o’g’li, & Mattiyev O’tkir. (2023). XIX asr ikkinchi yarmi – XX asr boshlarida Samarqanddagi Afg‘onlar faoliyati (1869-1879 yillarda). Ustozlar Uchun, 45(7), 186–192. Retrieved from http://pedagoglar.uz/index.php/01/article/view/5511

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