Ashtarxoniylar hukmronligi davrida siyosiy tizim tarixi

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SamDU Tarix fakulteti 4-kurs talabasi
SamDU Tarix fakulteti Ilmiy rahbar: prof


Annotation Ashtarkhanis, Janis - the dynasty that ruled the Khanate of Bukhara in 1601 -1756. The dynasty of Ashtarkhanis (Zhanis) from Jozhikhan's lineage originally lived and ruled in the lands of Astrakhan (Hajitarkhan). After Ivan the Terrible
conquered Astrakhan in 1556, the Ashtarkhanites under the leadership of Yormuhammed came to Bukhara and settled in Iskandar Sultan's palace. Yormuhammed's son Jonibek Sultan is given in marriage to Iskandar's daughter,  Abdullah Khan II's sister Zuhrabegim. Din Muhammad, Baqi Muhammad, Wali Muhammad will be born from him. Shaibanis are related to this family.

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How to Cite
Avg’onova O’g’iloy Shermat qizi, & Saidov Ilhomjon. (2023). Ashtarxoniylar hukmronligi davrida siyosiy tizim tarixi. Ustozlar Uchun, 45(8), 81–89. Retrieved from

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