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SamDU tarix fakulteti 4 - kurs talabasi
SamDU tarix fakulteti Ilmiy rahbar: prof.


Annotation When talking about the religion of Zoroastrianism and its holy book "Avesta", it should be noted that there are a number of controversial opinions on this subject in science, that is, when and where the representative of Zoroastrianism was born, where Zoroastrianism arose and There are different views in science about its chronological period, as well as in what language the Avesta came down to us. After 2.5-3 thousand years have passed, when we express an opinion about this doctrine and book, no doubt, every researcher works on the basis of the information he has. Depending on when and by whom these information were written, in which
language and script, it is unrealistic to associate them with that language and that time. Let's not forget that we have the right to express our o pinion objectively, and the solution is not one, but a comparison of many opposing opinions.

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How to Cite
Rustamov Salohiddin Suxrobzoda, & Saidov Ilhomjon. (2023). «AVESTO» VA ZARDUSHTIYLIK DINI HAQIDA. Ustozlar Uchun, 45(8), 72–80. Retrieved from http://pedagoglar.uz/index.php/01/article/view/5529