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Masharipov Masudjon Numonjonovich


Logistics means controlling the flow of goods, finance, and information. In other
words, the organization of a specific tangible or intangible production, storage, and
delivery process with minimum costs and maximum profit. This is considered the true
philosophy of every developed company of our time. The logistics sector existed
mainly in the form of activities, although historically it was not called that. That is, as
ARO trade goods matured, just as in wartime, there was a search for countries or
communities to which they could be shipped quickly and without damage, to reach
soldiers, supplies, and weapons in a timely, quick, and convenient manner. This is
exactly what logistics look like in history. Over time, transportation began to take shape
as the main component of logistics, which laid a broad foundation for the emergence
of transportation logistics. Transport logistics is a method of optimizing and organizing
the correct flow of cargo and passengers, which allows you to improve the quality of
transport services and reduce expenses and costs associated with transport. Significant
changes have occurred in the economy of developed countries in recent decades, which
also affected Uzbekistan. Because the geographic location of our country assumes that
no adjacent state can go directly into the sea.

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How to Cite
Masharipov Masudjon Numonjonovich. (2023). TRANSPORT LOGISTICS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN THE PRESENT . PEDAGOGS Jurnali, 32(3), 223–227. Retrieved from

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