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Akbarova Mohinur Alisher qizi


Annotatsion: Although the author states that “there are not quite clear criteria,
in accordance with which some words, before they become components, are
acknowledged as symbols, and others are not”, but an original symbolic meaning of
the component is at least partially kept in semantics of the fixed phrase and quite
regularly reproduced in many phraseological units. Moreover, even if a symbolically
meaning word is updated in the language, it can vary its semantics to a rather broad
extent (Zhukov,1996). A.V. Kunin also believes that it is necessary to take an
integrated approach to this issue, which provides a possibility to determine a system
of regular differences and common features. In his opinion, the semantic structure
of the fixed phrase and the semantic structure of the word are by no means exhausted
by their meanings only. Important elements of the semantic structure, in addition to
the meaning, are structures of a total formation in general, its grammatical
appearance and system language bonds (Kunin, 2005).

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How to Cite
Akbarova Mohinur Alisher qizi. (2022). METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS . PEDAGOGS Jurnali, 7(1), 78–81. Retrieved from