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Dalieva Madina Xabibullaevna


  Annotation: The phenomenon of polysemy can be found in any living language. It gives vividness and flexibility to speech and allows one to express all the subtle shades of thought. But the situation is different in the style of the language of science and technology. It abounds in special terminology. The main requirement it should meet is an extreme accuracy of thought expression, without a possibility of different interpretations. As a member of a terminological system any term is expected to possess only one fixed meaning. An ideal term should be monosemantic and, when used within its own sphere, it does not depend upon the micro-context.

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How to Cite
Dalieva Madina Xabibullaevna. (2023). CONTEXTUAL VARIATION OF POLYSEMANTIC TERMS . PEDAGOGS Jurnali, 44(1), 78–81. Retrieved from


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